Individual Statistics
Top Ranked Pairs
Top 25 Rated Pairs
Top 25 Points Winners
Top 25 Experienced Pairs
Rating System
The Bridge Zone rating system will rate teams, based on wins and losses and the strength of opponents.
It will use the ELO rating system which is used in Chess, Backgammon, and other games.
A short description of the ELO system is that each match is assigned a probability for each team winning,
based on the rating difference.
Each match will be “worth” 20 rating points (higher values will apply when a team first starts playing so that it reaches its
appropriate rating level faster). While all teams will start with a rating of 1500, there will be a phase-in period in
which teams playing opponents that are stronger than the average team in the field will be treated as though
they are playing a higher-rated team. Thus, they would gain more points for a win and drop fewer points for a loss.
So if one team is a 75-25% favorite to win, then if they win their rating would
go up 5 points and their opponent’s would go down 5 points; if the underdog wins the rating changes would be
15 points for each team.
BridgeZone Points
We have a simplified point system. Points are intended as a measure of achievement and persistence,
nothing more or less.
A win in the first round of the tournament is worth 10 points. Wins in subsequent rounds are 50% more for the first two rounds
and 25% more thereafter. Wins in the consolation are worth half the main. In cases where there are very few matches in a
round due to byes, the first two rounds may be worth the same. Forfeit wins do not earn points.
First place in a 5-round tournament would therefore be worth 110 points (10 + 15 + 22 + 28 + 35).