Personal Details

Your Warp Gammon Player name:
All your ratings and points are accumulated under your Warp Gammon player name.
You can change this at any time and it will change your main login name in all our databases except event archives.
This will change your nic in our ratings and profile databases as well as each of the event databases.
Linked Player names:
You can add extra playing nics so that you can play under more than one nic (although not in the same event)
and still have all your ratings and points combined uner your Warp Gammon player name.
When you sign up for an event you can select the playing nic from a drop-down list.
As with your Warp Gammon player name you can change the nic at any time and it will be reflected in all our
databases except the archives.
Login Password:
You can change your login password at any time but it must be longer than 5 characters and only
contain alphanumeric characters.
Email Address:
You can change your email address at any time. This is the address that notifies you of upcoming events and
that copies of scheduling and reporting emails are sent to./p>
Your first name:
It's optional but if you include your first name it helps us to personalise your emails and also helps your
opponent to get to know you better.